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19 East Street, Rochford, Essex SS4 1DB

Veterinary Services


Your puppy or kitten can be vaccinated against the most serious infectious diseases from 9 weeks old onwards, the vaccines that we use need two doses, the second of which is given at 12 weeks. Some brands of vaccine in dogs can finish at 10 weeks and we are able to carry these out but believe that the vaccine protocol we normally use gives better long term immunity hence the 12 weeks finish.

Dogs are vaccinated against the core diseases of Distemper, Parvovirus, Hepatitis and Leptospirosis (Rat borne diseases), they can also have an optional vaccine for Kennel Cough.

Cats are vaccinated against the main types of Cat Flu, feline parvovirus and Feline Leukaemia.

The initial puppy and kitten vaccinations are followed up by an annual single dose booster vaccine which is given at the same time as their annual health check this helps to make sure your friend remains happy and healthy

Each puppy or kitten is given a full health examination when presented to the veterinary surgeon to make sure they are fit and well. Any questions you have on their care can be discussed with the vet or with one of our nurses.

We also supply a free of charge flea control product that will cover the control of fleas lungworm and roundworms for the first month you pet is going outside. Following your new pets initial vaccinations, we run optional monthly free weigh and worm checks with our qualified nurses for the first 6 months of life to help give them the healthiest of starts.


Spaying or neutering your pet involves a surgical procedure under general anaesthesia to remove the ovaries and uterus in females or to remove the testicles in males. Vets perform these procedures in order to reduce the numbers of unwanted babies and sexual behaviour in pets (urine marking, spraying, roaming, fighting, etc.)

When will I need to spay/neuter my puppy/kitten?
We recommend spaying and neutering your cat around 6 months of age to allow sufficient growth and maturity. In dogs it is often advised that you neuter females four months after their first season and in large breed male dogs the current recommendation is after they are a year old. That being said, your pet can be spayed or neutered at any point during their later lifetime, as long as they are a healthy candidate for anaesthesia and surgery and if a dog is not in season at the time of surgery.

Anaesthetic Monitoring

Anaesthesia comes hand in hand with surgical procedures. Our team of Registered Veterinary Nurses are all competent at monitoring your pet whilst they are under anaesthesia for a procedure. We use a variety of different equipment to keep an eye on your animal’s oxygen and carbon dioxide saturation, pulse rate, respiratory rate, temperature and blood pressure whilst they are asleep and through to recovery.

Every animal is supported with intravenous fluid therapy, better known as a drip, during their procedure. This is a standard component of all of our anaesthetic procedures.

In addition to our standard protocol, you may be asked if you would like a pre-anaesthetic blood screen for your pet, and if you as the owner would like intravenous fluid therapy to continue during their recovery. Usually we recommend this for animals aged 7 years and older.


This involves the insertion of a small chip the size of a grain of rice under the skin of the neck, this chip has a unique number which can be read by vets, rescue centres the RSPCA and kennels and by contacting a central database allows lost or stolen pets to be reunited with their owners even when collars and other such identification methods are removed.

The pet microchip can be implanted for a one off fee and then activated for life. This can be carried out when puppies or kittens are being vaccinated or you can contact the surgery at any time to make an appointment with the nurse to have this done.

Laboratory Services

We have a range of equipment in house that allows us to conduct investigations whilst you are here with your pet. From looking at parasites and cells under the microscope to full blood and urine analysis.

Pet Insurance

In General terms Pet Insurance is a very good idea, there are however a lot of different companies offering products. We are not allowed by law to recommend any particular policies without being registered by the FSA as an advisor, however we do carry a number of companies leaflets in the waiting room who have given few problems.

There are essentially two types of policies. “Annual” which cover for Vet fees for 12 months from the date of a problem starting and “Lifetime” which reset the clock at each renewal albeit with a new excess payable each year. If you are a dog owner you should look for at least £5000 of cover for vets fees and 3rd party liability in case your dog causes an accident for which you may be held responsible i.e. traffic accident.

Cat owners do not have to worry about third party liability are not responsible in law for actions of their cat!

Animal Health Certificates

We do not currently offer animal health certificates as a routine service. If you have a query about obtaining an animal health certificate please get in touch with us.

Home Visits

We are able to offer home visit appointments for our long standing clients, subject to certain conditions.

Home Visits for Euthanasia

We are able to offer a home euthanasia service, subject to certain conditions. If you would like to say goodbye to your pet in the comfort of your home please give us a call. Please note that this service is reserved for longstanding clients only.

Do you have a question?

If you have any queries regarding the facilities and services we offer at Rochford Veterinary Surgery, please call us on 01702 544558 or contact us online

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